Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hello, Thursday. Hello, I love you both.

I've mentioned before how much I look forward to Thursdays! rolls me over (no pun intended) to the next week a couple days early. Trust me, when you start getting bigger, you take any cheat days you can get! As far as days go, I only have 66 left! Yay!

Truly, I'm not 31 weeks until Sunday but ohhhhh well. On Thursdays, I put all of my faith in the! If you are pregnant, I highly recommend you do the same :)

I mentioned the other day that we were going to get a 3-D/4-D ultrasound. We were actually able to schedule it for tomorrow (Friday, Oct 30th)!!! We are going in for our bi-weekly appointment anyway so we were happy we could get in on the same day. We are really excited to see "Kev"! Here is a sample picture of a 3-D ultrasound at 31 weeks:

I'll definitely be posting pics of our sweet babe after we get them!

Mucho love!!!

~Us :) :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ommmmm.... 30 Weeks.... 68 Days Left...

God, I miss yoga!! SERIOUSLY! Considering I can barely put my socks on, I'm thinking my Paschimottanasana would be pretty laughable right now. Even funnier would be Marichyasana D, which I could FINALLY (barely) bind on my own (right side only...almost on the left) prior to becoming el preggo.

At one of our Sunday Ashtanga meetings, someone had asked Evan and Kelly if quitting yoga for awhile would set you back to square one. His answer was that he thought you "always had a little money in the bank." I'm counting on this cash because I think my grand comeback is going to be hid-e-ous. Abby also assures me we'll get it back post-bebe's. :) I need to make it to some of Abby's pre-natal yoga classes as soon as I get moved. I need to relax, stretch and be able to sleep again, omg. If you ever feel like you're having a hard time sleeping, check out Tapas or Indigo's classes.
Me then (sigh...those were the days):

Me now (*crrreeeeeeeeeeeek*):

Anyway, so other than feeling like the tin man from non-yoganess, I'm livin' large and lovin' life!! I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to being skinny again and being able to move around :)
ALSO, I'M VERY EXCITED TO MOVE and put out my new cute stuff and have my old stuff back again. Living out of boxes and having 90% of your things in a storage trailer is for the BIRDS. Tweet freakin' tweet. I'm over it!

We should be getting our 3-D ultrasound here soon, so I'll post pics. My friend, Candace, who also works with me, is due the same day and told me you can get them at 30 weeks. So I'm calling for my appointment today. Yay!

Here's what the sweet babe is up to this week! I can't believe how big he is now!!

Also, here are a couple of things from our ticker that I thought were muy bueno to share:

The thought of him looking around is JUST ADORABLE and knowing he has good survivial odds if something happens is a huge relief :) Yay!

Mucho, mucho love to everyone!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Butternut Bambino ~ 29 Weeks ~ 11 Left to Go!

Hi to all! This weekend I passed the 29 weeks mark. Yay! So less than 11 until the sweet babe is here with us!! Here are some pics of me from this weekend at my friend Sara's Rockstar Wedding!

My friend Dani is due three weeks after me and is having a baby girl, Leila Louise:

Also, our awesome friend Lady Gaga (Heidi!) came into town for it as well:

Heidi, Dani and I all cheered together in high school (a.k.a. the pimp squad). LOL. This was before all of our kids (Belle, Heidi's Ty & Brandt, then Jake & Leila). It's always hilarious to get together! Especiallywhen Heidi rocks the Gaga wig. I'm hoping to see it again sometime. lol.

As far as what the butternut baby is up to this week, here is the scoop... :)

Butternut baby seems pretty happy! Swimming and kicking and whatnot...awwww. I just LOVE HIM. My midwife confirmed he's head-down now. Yikes! I'm beginning to get paranoid, realizing this farmbaby needs to come out somehow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hides*

As far as food goes, Farmbaby and I are very happy that honeycrisp apples are back in season. God, I love them. Yummmm. :)

Mucho love!


Monday, October 12, 2009

OMG… Many apologies! We’ve had a very busy (and for the most part wretched) couple of weeks. I’ll be blogging about that later, via my random blog. Bear with this LONGGGG post but I'm making up for lost time. *smiles sweetly*

The name update is a pretty solid Baby Jake! No middle name yet but I'll keep everyone posted. Yay!

I can’t believe we’re in the 3rd Trimester! I totally sound like a Palmer student!! It’s exciting to less than 3 months away (83 days, actually – yikes) but being this far along does bring it’s own joys and sorrows. We were 28 weeks this past weekend! Yay! Squash baby! Trust me, it feels like it, too.

As far as JOYS go, like I said, it’s awesome to be getting so close to meeting the farmbaby. I know the time will pass more quickly than I think although sometimes (at night especially) it feels like it’s going by slooooooooooooooow. It’s also super sweet to have the baby getting so much stronger and moving around constantly! I love that, for sure.

Our friends had an AWESOME couples shower (with an adorable farm theme) for us a few weekends ago. We have the greatest friends EVER and although we didn’t expect our friends to get us anything, they got farmbaby TONS of super adorable, sweet and useful stuff!! One of my friends even bought Belle some barrettes and bath spa stuff so she thought that was pretty cool since she was helping us open all of the very thoughtful and bueno baby presents! Thanks A MILLION to everyone and to my girls (pictured with me below) who threw us the shower!!!

I’m continuing to buy baby stuff and we’re getting pretty far on everything we need. Yay! We still have to buy the furniture but we do have it picked out.

We are getting WAYYYYYY closer to moving into the new house. Kurt’s parents are almost done with their house so we’ll be moving on in very soon (appx 2-3 weeks). It will be soooo great to have all newly decorated bedrooms for all of us and whatnot. I bought Belle a new bedding set yesterday, too, with all of the accessories. She didn't really need a new bedding set BUT I cannot even stand the adorableness of it all!!!

And again, for anyone who cares, here is farmbaby’s super cute baby bedding:

This isn't the nursery but I'll definitely post pics after we move and get it done. My friend from work informed me today that her baby care classes told her not to use a crib bumper. Makes sense… but anyone with insight to the contrary, please let me know and I'll let her know, too. She already bought the crib bumper and I'm sure it's so cute. Thanks to her advice, however, I’m planning to not order that beyond cute crib bumper for Baby "Kevin" unless I hear otherwise that it’s fine??

As far as the SORROWS go…ha…these always make for good pregnancy stories. No one wants to hear about a perfect pregnancy where you gain the perfect weight and feel like you’re 20 years old the entire time and run marathons and whatnot. Everyones likes to hear how you fall apart around a certain time until you get to the point of considering suicide around forty weeks…particularly those of us mamasitas that have been there, done that. Ha!

Well, as previously mentioned I did test to be anemic last month. Needless to say, there is no way in hell I’d be eating the chicken or beef livers that are “highly recommended” once per week!!?? Did I say no way in hell? I meant NO EFFING WAY IN HELL:

Anyway, sometime last week or so, I started getting really tired again. Not quite as bad as Trimester Uno but just a general feeling of not being able to move. I blamed it on the non-liver eating but then I did some research online yesterday. Apparently, it’s normal to start getting all tired again around 28 weeks. Lovely! LOL. I had forgotten about this. In this case, my mind doesn’t seem all that tired but my body feels like I just swam across the freakin' the English Channel. One of the posters said she felt like she had 50 pound weights tied to all of her limbs. LOL. Pretty much, pretty much. Ha.

Another LOVELY thing is the round ligament stretching. You moms feel my pain. Anyone who isn’t sure what I’m talking about, if you were ever in gymnastics, it is the exact same feeling you’d feel the day after conditioning day, when your coach made you do the straddle splits for 3 minutes straight. Nice. Or when your jazz dance teacher made you sit straddle on the floor against the wall and she pushed your legs to the wall and made you count out loud to 60. Forgot about this, too!

I need to go to the chiro tonight because this child is apparently pressing on my sciatic nerve so I have to sleep propped up on the couch, which I hate not sleeping upstairs with Kurt but I do like watching HGTV periodically throughout the night. :) In my research yesterday, I found this is apparently a common pregnancy symptom, called “sciatica” and it may go ahead and last the entire rest of the preggoness. Ha…not cool. Here’s to hoping Brad can crack me into shape. Yay, Brad!!

One of many reasons I’m looking forward to the new house is it’s a ranch-style. Our current house has a huge beautiful staircase but I about pass out after I get to the top. LOL. Farmbaby has decided to take over my lungs, too, apparently.

Heart palpitations can be somewhat freaky because all of a sudden you’re aware of your heartbeat. This happened to me with preggo #1 and now with preggo #2. It’s not too scary but it definitely wakes me up!

Final thing I forgot about and haven’t had since being pregnant last time is the dreaded heartburn. Oh god. Last night, it decided to rear it’s hideous head. So I did some online searches and found out it’s totally normal to start right about at this time. This was conveniently around 12:30 a.m. I found some posters saying, again conveniently, how ice cream was the, and I quote, “ONLY thing that helped them.” Haha!!!!!!! I thought, “Well, now THIS is something I can do!!” Luckily, we had the Whitey’s Vanilla on hand so I prepped a bowl of that and watched Real Estate Intervention on HGTV. Yum!! Obviously, I can't do this every night (waaaah) so I'll have to ask my midwife for other suggestions. :)

All of these stupid little sorrows being said, however, it is still worth it times a MILLION!! At least this time around I know all of these particular little dramas disappear come January 4th and are replaced by entirely new baby mama dramas. Can’t wait to cuddle the sweet babe!! Yay!!!

Mucho mucho love,