Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hola, everyone! Life in the Steward household is all cloud-nineish from the news last week, save for the impending move of my mountains of junk. If you ever read my random blog, do know that I’m still purging but OMG where did I get all of these things!

We’re still over OVER THE MOON about the baby farmboy, haven’t thought of anything we like better than Jake (except me and the Luke thing…lol), and picked out the furniture. The day we found out what we were having, we ventured straight over to Babies ‘R Us and bought Kevin some prizes:

My friend Allison recommended this play gym thing and I thought it was adorable. Belle had one too that was all flowery and whatnot and she loved it, too.
Allison also sent me a pic of her son, Baby Beckham, playing under it. Isn’t he sooooo sweet and cute!!?? He loves the play gym!

Then, we wanted to get Kevin a little cute pajamas or something so we found a cute little sleeper with monkey feet. OMG. So loving it!

For a second or two, I thought about pouting over the fact I couldn’t fill up my cart full of pinkness and purpleness because all of the baby girl stuffs are just too darn adorable and that’s what I’ve been used to for the past eight years. I can promise you I would NOT have left that joint without the zebra print and pink little rain boots and matching outfit and coat if Kevin were a girl. J Lol. Of course, the rainboots outfit would have been worn once, if even that, so I really think having a boy will be good for my budget, at least when it comes to attire.

Do any baby mama’s out there have any recommendations of things they cannot live without??? You can leave it as a comment on the blog if you think of anything (it should accept anonymous posts). It’s been awhile since I had Belle so everything is new, improved or totally different. On the list to buy is a play yard that matches the stroller, I also have it narrowed between two swings, and probably this little motorized glider thing I randomly found on the Babies R Us website:Oooooohhhhh how I would have killed for that damn glider when Belle was a bambina! Not that standing up rocking her all day every day, and all night every night so she would scream wasn't a blast and all. ;) But I'll admit it did get very tiring!

Mucho love!!


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