Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Muy grande!

The babe continues to get big and shock people with the January due date :). I'll take this as a good sign that Kevin is happy and flourishing! :). Tonight I went to Hy-Vee and found some awesome coffee ice cream by Starbucks. Yummmmy!!!!!! It was so good but I still do like Whiteys a lil better I must admit :)

I don't have anything too exciting to report. Boring! We have mainly been focusing on what the baby needs and how kids cut into the vacation fund. Lol.

I've been "kinda" indecisive lately. Ha! After we found out the baby was a boy, I decided I wanted the same stroller we had bought but in orange and tan instead: Oops! :) So poor Kurt had to drag the blue and green one in from the farm and exchange it for me. He's so sweet. I think exercising patience for hormonal, dramatic, mind-changing pregnant wives prepares men for babies being on board. 3 am feedings may seem like a walk in the park compared to reviewing 1,517 crib bedding sets (before the wife chooses one of the sets the husband didn't really like anyway). Haha!

Big sis went to the orthodontist today. We found out she needs dental surgery asap and a follow up in 6 months to come up with a plan. I am sooooooo glad we are doing this early on! The x-rays showed her permanent molars being impacted/jammed on the next molars over so they are not able to come in but keep trying and by doing so, are stripping themselves and grinding away the permanents! Double yikes!!!!! I had noooo idea although I knew she'd need braces eventually. She's classified as "severe crowding" and she still needs to lose 12 baby teeth! So it will only get worse unless we come up with a plan for the next several years. The ortho was awesome and had a great kid-friendly office. Belle's not impressed with the teeth pulling but I bribed her with a gallon of Whiteys Cotton Candy ice cream so she is ready to get the teeth out NOW. Haha!

The only sucky part was discovering my insurance company dropped my health but not my dental coverage when I called to report changing to Kurt's coverage after we got married. So this whole dental deal is going to be out of pocket and be very un-fun bc they also make you cancel your H.S.A. when you drop your health care coverage. Grrrr! Apparently, I need to wait until open enrollment or experience a life-changing event to cancel and switch to Kurt's dental. *rolls eyes* :) I will have to ask my friend who works in insurance why in the world they wouldn't want to drop as many individuals as seems like it would only benefit them since they are paying most of the premium? I'd think they'd jump at the chance to oust me and Miss Dental Issues from their plan? lol.

Hope everyone is well!

Love you all!

Us :)


  1. Interesting fact you did not know about me: I still have two baby teeth.

    I had the same thing Belle has, it sounds like. But we didn't do anything about it and my mouth is okay. I just have two baby teeth. A lot of other family members have this. Of course a dentist is going to say it needs to be fixed because the dentist is the one who will be paid for fixing it...

  2. Actually I take back "interesting". That should just read "Fact you did not know about me..."
