This weekend went by soooo fast it seems! Kurt and I were able to finalize pretty much everything we needed to, which included a very eventful (and hilarious) trip to Babies R Us today. We also stopped by the mall and I got a spoiled mama present. Loving him!
Now for the major T.M.I.!! If you are a guy (I doubt many guys read this blog), feel free to check back on a different date. LOL!
I had planned on not nursing. Sorry to all you nursing moms but it kind of freaks me out and seems like a lot of work. I will admit, however, that all research shows it is sooo much better for the baby, so it's hard to not at least try it. To make a long story short, my experience nursing Belle was a nightmare and even though I had my heart set on doing it for her, it did not work out. Very sad! So this entire time, I have planned on just bottle feeding farmbaby soy formula and leaving it at that. I have no idea what got into me but over the last week I have a nagging feeling of wanting to try nursing and be successful this time! I talked it over with my mid-wife and she agreed that I should DEFINITELY at least try it and said it's a very, very rare instance where a mom just can't nurse. She thinks I probably didn't spend enough time in the hospital when I had Belle and as a young mom, it was just a lot to handle. I told her I had Belle at 7:10 p.m. and was home by noon the next day. She didn't seem impressed with the lactation consultant's diagnose that Belle was doing "great."
My midwife thinks I'd be really "missing out" if I didn't at least try. I am not sure what I'd be missing out on except several days of agony. ha! She mentioned what a great, supportive husband I have, which is true! The husb was so happy to hear this hot scoop on Friday night. He had been very good about not putting in his $0.02 about me not nursing but it was obvious he wanted me to at least try it. It doesn't help that literally all of our friends do it and think it's sooooo great! :)
Anyway, so today we had to stock up on major nursing supplies. It was HILARIOUS looking at this stuff with Kurt and trying to figure out what we need. We have zero clue. Literally. We were throwing random junk that looked helpful or promising into the cart. When we were checking out, I said (quietly), "Do you feel super weird buying this stuff?" He said, "Kinda..." which in Kurt terms means YES. Watching him pay for Earth Mama Angel Baby Booby Tubes and Natural Nipple Butter (omg ew) was pretty funny, though, I have to admit! If you want to know what Booby Tubes are, see here. I have no idea if I'll use them or need them but anything that can be frozen or microwaved or anywhere in between has to be helpful(???) and therefore found its way into our cart.
We then hit my fave store at the mall. There, I got a freakin' nursing cover/blanket thing and my muy awesome husband bought me the smaller/hobo-style version of my PETUNIA PICKLEBOTTOM!!!!!!! I love this boy!!!!!!!!!
When we got home, I finally started packing our bags for the hospital! I have no clue why I've been procrastinating this task. You'd think it would be something to look forward to and it seems obvious to all involved that this is the one thing that should NOT be procrastinated on!! It's not like if I randomly go into labor, I'll have time to pack a bag!?
So, I have the baby's bag all packed :) (awww!) and my bag about 80% packed. I read about ten different online lists regarding what I should take. There were some very helpful hints and I'm known to travel HEAVY so this trip will be apparently be no exception! I'll post a list when I'm finished of everything I packed so the moms can laugh at me and my overpacking ways. lol.
While I was packing everything but the kitchen sink, Kurt set up the movement monitor (Angelsense V) and figured ou the ITZBEEN. He's great at figuring out what we need to do. I'm personally horrible at this as I have no patience for directions.
Oh! We also got this cute little diaper caddy:
And finally, by popular demand (ugh), is the 37 week picture of farmbaby mamasita!!!!!!!!!
Try to ignore the pony tail and "I'm pregnant and I've been shopping all day" look. My guess is you didn't notice since you were too busy staring at the HUUUUGE baby!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT BEING SAID, please vote on when I'm going to have this baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mucho love to everyone and thanks so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's worth it to give it a shot, at least. I had a really, REALLY hard time at first with nursing my oldest. He had a bad latch and we had a lot of issues. But I stuck with it (not because I liked it AT ALL but because a) I'm stubborn and b) I'm way too lazy to wash bottles. We did get through our issues within the first month and from there on out it was easy street. And then my second time around (with twins!) it was super easy. So your experience this time around might be completely different than your first time. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteBut I have to ask, why soy formula? That stuff stinks (especially when it's coming back up). Also, soy has a lot of estrogen in it. You don't want your little farmboy to grow up to have moobs.
I'm really not judging on the soy part. I reread it and it sounded judgey. It's just my own paranoia coming through. One of my sons has a terrible dairy allergy, so he has to have soy milk, and soy cheese and all that. I worry about his potential man-boobs, therefore I worry about other children's potential man-boobs.
ReplyDeleteHello from the Blog-o-Sphere! Congrats on being full term. It's a good feeling. Enjoy your little Christmas present.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Spot!!! :)
ReplyDeleteEmilene, LOL. Well, the longer story is that although she latched on "great" and they sent me home, my milk never came in. So it seemed like she was eating yet kept screaming. I was trying everything to get her to calm down but she would basically cry herself to sleep! :( Horrible! I just knew something was wrong so I kept calling. When I would call, they would say that maybe she was overstimulated so turn down the lights, no tv, etc. I thought this was crazy based on how upset she was acting but I just did whatever they said to do. FINALLY, on Day #3, they suggested supplementing with formula. So we did and she was 1,000 times better. Poor bebe was starving! After 10 days, I ended up giving up as she was so much happier with the formula and it was hard to do both at every single feeding.
She continued to have really bad colic at night, tried to avoid bottles and didn't have any of the "normal signs" of being lactose intolerant. I'm a paranoid mom so I took her to the doctor a few times for this. So they had me switch around milk-based formulas a few times, which we all know is hard on their little stomachs anyway. Finally, after three months of this drama, they had me try soy and she was soooo much better! Now, she's actually allergic to milk and it causes complications with her asthma and sinuses.
Luckily, when I had Belle I was able to take 9 months off work. However, this time I'll only have 3 months. I wanted to cut to the chase and just use soy since I'd rather not spend my few precious months at home dealing with poor screaming hurting stomach baby...just in case he is allergic to milk as well. Anyway, so that is where the soy came in. But since I'm going to try nursing, I guess I'll be taking my chances with the milk now :)
As a side note, Kurt drinks half a gallon of milk at dinner every night, so of course he hates soy and would have rathered me not go straight to soy anyway. :)