I say Edition #1 as I'm sure there will be more...very soon.
You'd think for being a second-time mom, I would know how to do everything. Yeah right! It's been 9 years, 'k. My errors though have surprised even me a couple of times!
Packing the Diaper BagOK, seriously. I haven't packed a diaper bag in forever. It is not easy. The first outing (Saturday), we did have everything packed. But then he threw up on himself :( as soon as I changed him into a cute outfit. I shrieked and grabbed the burp cloth out of the diaper bag since it was right next to me and used it. However, I never packed another one! So when we later stopped by my friend's house, I had to use a paper towel when feeding him even though we own about 2,000 burp cloths!
Yesterday, we took him to the doctor for his first visit. Kurt read off everything he had packed in the diaper bag and I agreed we were complete. When we got to his work to show his co-workers the baby, and he decided he wanted a bottle, I realized we didn't pack a bib OR a burp cloth this time. Paper towel again. Nice. I mean, it's not that big of a deal but when you have a newborn and you're feeding him in front of people, ideally you want to be somewhat prepared.
Ummm...they never told me thatSo at the above-mentioned friend's house on Saturday (she has THREE GIRLS, btw and no boys), as I was changing his diaper, she goes "Don't you have to point that thing down?" I'm like, "OMG I don't know? They didn't tell us to??" Kurt was also like "??" She's like, "I think maybe you do??" I had no idea! I casually asked someone with a boy and uhhhh...no wonder he sometimes pees out of his diaper. LOL! Thanks, Mandy! Ha! FYI - we haven't had any peed on outfits since then.
Oh wellAny non-moms will think this story is extremely disgusting, I am sure of it. But oh well, I'm gonna type it anyway! :) I'm hoping the moms out there will have my back.
So being newly un-preggo, most people can relate to the fact that NOTHING FITS at first. Maternity stuff is too big yet your own clothes are by far too small (i.e. no go on the cool jeans). So we were going to the FarmShow on Sunday. It takes awhile to get ready as I have pretty much nothing to wear right now. I mustered up a somewhat cute-ish outfit. Well, it wanted to be cute but it really wasn't too cute. Anyway, the shirt was a non-maternity super stretchy GAP l/s tee and I wore a really cute navy sweater coat thing over it. I fed the baby before we left and he spent some time sleeping on my chest. After we got him into his seat and everything, Kurt was loading him into the truck and I noticed the front of my Gap shirt was wet. Based on how he was laying on me, I figured there was a 80% chance it was formula, 10% it was drool (not likely as he doesn't drool yet) and 10% it was pee (gross!!!!). Since I had seriously nothing else to wear and had about 2 seconds before the baby got mad from being strapped into the seat without some car movement to put him to sleep, I said screw it and left anyway. OMG. I still can't believe it. haha. The good news is I'm getting a little skinner every day so hopefully soon I'll have some things to wear! In the meantime, I wouldn't hug me if you see me in public :) J/K!
Mucho love to everyone! FarmBaby is trying to wake up!