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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yay & Yikes!!!!!

'K... so this will hopefully be my last post for a couple of days :)

As mentioned, we're seeing the midwife at 8:00 a.m. and hopefully being sent to the hospital to be induced. If the hospital is full, then we'll just go straight to the hospital on Tuesday a.m. If you don't hear from me on the blog by tomorrow afternoon, you can assume I'm in the hospital screaming and whining! ha! Luckily, my awesome in-laws will be around to hang at our house and take care of our dogs in case we do go in tomorrow! I'm not sure how we would get all four loaded up in the car and take them to the groomer. Ha. Quite a sight, I'm sure! So, fortunately, they won't have to go anywhere and we won't have to pick them up.

The good news is that we'll FINALLLLLLLLY meet this very, very loved lil farmbaby VERY SOON! Yay!!!!!

Too bad it isn't a painless, easy process to do so! Yikes! :) I am WAYYYY more scared this time than last time (I know what I'm in for this

Even though it hurts toward the end, I'll definitely miss being pregnant! It's soooooo sweet to have the little baby growing and swimming around all day every day. =LOVE. And it's also sweet how everyone asks how we're doing, says I look so great (haha) and is excited to meet the little baby! But the best is yet to come and everything will allll be worth it. :) :)

Thanks to all who have followed my blog for all of these months and dealt with these boring posts 3 times per day for the last several days! :) :)

Mucho, mucho love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Ann, Kurt, Belle & FarmBaby :)

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